Whether you own a café, restaurant, or coffee shop, it is critical to provide the best possible coffee drinking experience for your customers. This is because a daily cup of coffee has become such an ingrained routine among millions of people. For instance, one survey revealed that 64 percent of American adults consume coffee every single day. Annually, this comes out to 146 billion cups of coffee in the United States alone.
Ultimately, coffee consumption can be a critical part of these drinkers’ daily rituals. Because of this, you must ensure that the coffee that you are serving is fresh, delicious, tasty. You must also be able to serve this coffee quickly and efficiently. Even if your customers are satisfied with the coffee’s taste, a poor experience can have them searching for an alternative.
There is a solution, however, that addresses all of these issues. By investing in nitro cold brew coffee and our new Naiko Dispenser, you can quickly and consistently serve delicious and rich coffee without fumbling over any installation issues. In sum, we are extremely confident that our nitro cold brew coffee and Naiko Dispenser will serve your business well.
If you haven’t yet heard of nitro cold brew coffee, it can be a true game-changer for your business. Nitro cold brew coffee is different from traditional coffee in that it is infused with the most plentiful element in our planet’s atmosphere. While this may not seem like a big deal on the surface, this process of infusing cold brew coffee with nitrogen has some substantial effects.
Nitro cold brew coffee is infused with nitrogen gas to create a rich and silky taste with a creamy head. If you were looking for an equivalent, the most natural comparison is a Guinness beer. Ask anyone to picture a Guinness draft beer and they will immediately zone in on both the taste and signature look of the drink. Both of these elements have been essential factors in scaling Guinness from a small brewery in eighteenth century Ireland into one of the most recognisable and loved beers on planet Earth. Nitro cold brew coffee also has some of these elements, which can make it a signature option in your café, restaurant, or coffee shop. The coffee itself can be delicious and has a thick and heavy feel. A drink as strong as black coffee can have a smooth and sweet taste. Along with this, the nitrogen infusion within this particular type of coffee makes each pour a wonderful visual experience. Your customers will see a beautiful reverse cascade effect that is intriguing and perfect for Instagram. Millennials are particularly attracted to nitro cold brew coffee, but it can be a terrific option for coffee drinkers of all ages.
While nitro cold brew coffee may sound appealing in theory, it is quickly clear that it can be a terrific option in a wide range of circumstances.
This type of coffee can be a great idea for your recurring customers who want to try something new. Even though they may have their morning or daily routine, nitro cold brew coffee can provide a nice change of pace. It can be especially appealing for your health-conscious customers, who are looking for a natural flavour instead of coffee with additives like sugar.
Nitro cold brew coffee can be attractive for customers who are looking for a greater caffeine fix in the morning. The slow cold brewing process of nitro cold brew coffee delivers about 1.5 to 2.5 times more caffeine compared to a normal cup of hot coffee. This can provide these coffee drinkers with the caffeine fix they need without needing to drink multiple cups.
Finally, nitro cold brew coffee can be terrific for those customers with heartburn, acid reflux, or sensitive stomachs. This is because this type of coffee is low in acid. This group of customers can consume nitro cold brew coffee without any health effects.
As you can see, nitro cold brew coffee can be a terrific option for your café, restaurant, or coffee shop. But having said this, if you are interested in investing in nitro cold brew coffee, you may not know exactly how to proceed.
To serve nitro cold brew coffee in your shop, you will need to obtain a nitro cold brew coffee dispenser. This dispenser looks like any type of beer dispenser that you would see at a bar or restaurant. From your customers’ point of view, all you need to do is pull the lever to serve a delicious cup of nitro cold brew coffee. Behind the scenes, however, your nitro cold brew coffee dispenser is adding nitrogen to the coffee so that your next pour of nitro cold brew coffee is absolutely perfect.
In this discussion, however, it is important to understand that not all nitro cold brew coffee dispensers are created equal. Some of the equipment that comes with the standard nitro cold brew coffee dispenser includes a nitrogen tank, nitrogen gas cylinder, and a separate cooling unit. The manufacturer that designed the nitro cold brew coffee dispenser provides all of the details that you need to get started. That said, it can be quite complicated to gather all of these pieces and properly assemble your dispenser. And even when you assemble it, there are many different moving parts that can break. You may find yourself spending more time than you want on fixing and maintaining your nitro cold brew coffee dispenser.
With this reality in mind, we at Naiko Nitrogen System thought that there is a better way to help our clients serve nitro cold brew coffee. Our team went to work, sticking to first principles and designing a nitro cold brew coffee dispenser that is simple to set up, easy to use, and delivers fantastic nitro cold brew coffee. Considering our background in creating innovative dispensing technology, we were excited to take on this challenge.
Ultimately, we are proud of our nitro cold brew coffee dispenser. It is called the Naiko Dispenser and it can help you leverage all of the benefits and attributes of nitro cold brew coffee. We wanted to design a nitro cold brew coffee dispenser that has proven first-class technology and that satisfies the forward-looking demands of all of our clients.
Manufactured in Germany, the Naiko Dispenser has a compact and minimalistic design. One of the key differentiating factors between the Naiko Dispenser and other nitro cold brew coffee dispensers is the way that our dispenser works. Specifically, it generates nitrogen from ambient air. There is an infinite supply, giving you the confidence that you will never run out of nitrogen to supply your dispenser. After the nitrogen is generated, the dispenser injects the nitrogen directly into the cold brew coffee. It is as simple as that. And with this dispenser, you can serve up to 25 liters per hour, providing you with the confidence that you can serve your customers at peak times of your day.
Compared to other nitro cold brew coffee dispensers, the Naiko Dispenser also cools down the cold brew coffee through an integrated dry cooler. It is perfect to serve without an extensive installation. All you or your colleagues would need to do is plug in the machine into the appropriate electrical source. Critically, you don’t need nitrogen gas cylinders or a separate cooling unit to operate our dispenser. All you need is just a little bit of space on your counter and you will be good to go.
The dry cooler was also designed to easily handle a high daily load of nitro cold brew coffee. Patented jet-nozzle technology means that you will be focusing less on whether your dispenser is working correctly and focusing more on providing your customers with the best possible experience. And when you are done serving nitro cold brew coffee at the end of the day? The Naiko Dispenser provides excellent hygiene and cleanability. It is simple to clean and prepare for the next day’s customers. While there are many other nitro cold brew coffee dispensers on the market today, we are proud of the Naiko Dispenser. We believe that it is the easiest and best way to serve nitro cold brew coffee.
Nitro cold brew coffee can be a terrific addition to your café, restaurant, or coffee shop. Whether you are looking for a new way to deliver delicious coffee to your current customers or a tactic to bring new customers into your store, we are confident that nitro cold brew coffee can help you achieve your business goals. Nitro cold brew coffee is delicious, fun, and is certainly appealing for Instagram. It can be a way to surprise and delight your customers while making a name for your business in your community. To learn more about the Naiko Dispenser or nitro cold brew coffee dispensers in general, feel free to click here.